Friday, March 14, 2008

Miss Murder??? Try Mr. Murder!

Song: Miss Murder
Artist: AFI
Subject: Boys and Britney

My boyfriend broke up with me! I know major shock but im gonna have to find away to make the public seem like its his fault later. im thinkin public humiliation. No sex in the backseat of ur escalade for a looooong time pal!
Anywho I didn't come here to discuss i came here to talk about guys. Well i am devoted to letting women see the break up signs before they get the boot that way you can break up with him before he breaks up with u. Or if ur a total Claire (from the clique novels) u can find out what you are doing wrong so when u can mend ur relationship. Personally if a guy doesnt think im perfect he is O-U-T out!
Speaking of OUT Heidi Montag is supposedly doing a duet with Britney Spears and Britney Spears denied it of course. When i say Britney Spears I mean Daddy Spears. It must be sad when u get rejected by the father of two skanky daughters =(

In: Blogging! yay us. The Clique. Red Flats. Boy Cuts.
Out: Jack-off!!!. Harry Potter's supposed Death. Big Sunglasses. and Bangs (ewww)

1 comment:

Baby Soft said...

Yo check out my blog