Friday, March 21, 2008


sup fools! I'm hella bored but stoked about going to new york's fashion week! yess! I'm gonna strut. well nothing has been really going on here. Only thing is my dad and his girlfriend. She's a total gold digger. I need an evil plan to expose her.
Anyway I'm thinking about making a myspace page dedicated to my all time favorite Clique Character...Massie Block! But it might be a bad idea. IDK!! it might be kind of fun though. so I'm going to try it. When I do i'll give you all the url. anyways peace out!


P.S. I know this one is short but i didnt know wat to say

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Walk Away

Song: Walk Away
Artist: Paula Deanda
Subject: Getting over it

Okay so my bestie... she had this boyfriend but she broke up with him. and now he's being a baby and not calling her, texting her, talking to her or even LOOKING at her. She feels like crap now and she thinks she's stupid for dumping him. She is like sooo wat can i do...
Well for starters you could Stop Crying . obviously the guy doesn't deserve you. Whenever a guy does that it just means he doesn't like rejection and well u rejected him.

I know u peeps r like why is she telling us this. I'm telling you because most girls actually feel like this. OBVIOUSLY he's trying to make u jealous. Guys are insecure that way and yes they PMS more than us girls. But he's just a moron. Sometimes u should just walk away. OMG LIKE Today's SONG!!! yes Walk Away and don't even make contact with him. if Ur really sad don't let him notice. Every time he looks at u act like u don't notice him and act like Ur having the best time without him. He'll miss out on the fun and talk to u. Whatever you do DO NOT go to his house. cuz a post break-up talk will lead to post break-up sex and u don't wanna come off skanky do u?

LOVE YA, Heidi

Friday, March 14, 2008

Miss Murder??? Try Mr. Murder!

Song: Miss Murder
Artist: AFI
Subject: Boys and Britney

My boyfriend broke up with me! I know major shock but im gonna have to find away to make the public seem like its his fault later. im thinkin public humiliation. No sex in the backseat of ur escalade for a looooong time pal!
Anywho I didn't come here to discuss i came here to talk about guys. Well i am devoted to letting women see the break up signs before they get the boot that way you can break up with him before he breaks up with u. Or if ur a total Claire (from the clique novels) u can find out what you are doing wrong so when u can mend ur relationship. Personally if a guy doesnt think im perfect he is O-U-T out!
Speaking of OUT Heidi Montag is supposedly doing a duet with Britney Spears and Britney Spears denied it of course. When i say Britney Spears I mean Daddy Spears. It must be sad when u get rejected by the father of two skanky daughters =(

In: Blogging! yay us. The Clique. Red Flats. Boy Cuts.
Out: Jack-off!!!. Harry Potter's supposed Death. Big Sunglasses. and Bangs (ewww)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13th

hey guys I'm Heidi. i just got super duper bored so i decided to do this. this first blog is to just tell u about me. Well I'm sixteen years old and i live in Newport Beach, California. In my blog Ur gonna see references to my all time favorite book and guide The Clique Series but with my own spin. If you read the books then I'm going to tell u that I'm a total Massie. For those who haven't i am really bossy and a bit mean at times but if u treat me nice I'll treat u nice back. I'm the leader of my clique and I'm kinda a control freak. anyway I'm a pretty cool person. I'm pretty much down to earth. i Love fashion so if u wanna talk fashion hit me up on aim, yahoo, or msn. if u have any gossip tell me. i love feeling needed so if u want advice just let me know. all and all I'm a nice person and i cannot wait to meet you! =)

Love Ya, Heidi!