Friday, April 11, 2008

Wentz Baby???

okay so dork couple Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson are getting married. Obviously for sum shotgun wedding i guess. They are saying Ashlee Simpson is pregnant. Although this Rumor has been going around for monthes it seemed to resurface. Frankly i dont see Pete having a baby. He seems too...idk! Not daddy material.
Also Doogy Howser (nerdy looking dude from How i Met Your Mother) doesnt want tons of guest stars on their show. So another dickslap in the face for Britney Spears.

Today was ah-mazing. One day closer to the Clique Movie. im super excited. Well i have nothing to say which is a shock! Im losing it HELP!!!

Love Heidi

1 comment:

hm. said...

lol nice Britney Spears comment!